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Juthamart Unruean
Jakkrit Jantakoon


A scientific explanation of phenomena should show the causes and mechanisms that occur, along with the identification of the causal relationships and interactions under which the phenomenon happens through description, interpretation, and causal mechanism. The thinking frame approach is one of the instructional strategies designed to support the written scientific explanation. The purpose of this research was to investigate and compare students' scientific explanations of the relationship between volume, pressure, temperature, and amount of gas learned through the thinking frame approach. Participants were 28 grade 11 students. The scientific explanation test was administered to them before and after implementation of the thinking frame approach and a semi-structured interview after learning. A statistical method, paired samples t-test, was also employed to process students' scientific explanations in the pre- and post-tests. The results revealed that the vast majority of students, 40.18%, wrote their scientific explanations at the non-explanation level in the pre-test. Students often express alternative conceptions to explain the relationship among volume, pressure, and temperature of gas. However, after learning with the thinking frame approach, it was found that most students, 33.03%, improved their written scientific explanation at the associative explanation level and the complex explanation level. Students applied scientific theory to illustrate phenomena and imagine gas changes that cannot be seen with the naked eye, then used them to identify the occurring causes and mechanisms. In addition, the statistical analysis indicated that there was an improvement of students' scientific explanation in the pre- and the post-test significantly at the 0.05 level. Those results suggest that the thinking frame approach can help students explain the causal and mechanism of the phenomenon involving gas properties to be more rationale.

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How to Cite
Unruean, J., & Jantakoon, J. . (2024). THE EFFECT OF PROGRAM BASED ON CALM CLASSROOM APPROACH WITH YOGA TO ENHANCE MINDFULNESS FOR GRADE 3 STUDENTS. Journal of Education and Innovation, 26(3), 194–204. retrieved from
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