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The purpose of this study was to analyse factors affecting online customer purchasing by undertaking a case study of higher education learners in Thailand. A sample was conducted 638 participated according to the minimum criteria for defining a sample of 5 times per variable. There are a total of 5 observable variables and 30 required parameters, so the sample sizes are not less than 300 people. The sample group was undergraduate students and was selected by utilising a multi-stage sampling process. The random process included three steps: Step 1 involved selecting a region unit, with the regions divided into four areas: 1) Central, 2) North, 3) North-Eastern, and 4) South, ensuring that all populations were represented across Thailand. Each region contained one province, resulting in a total of four groups. Step 2 involved purposive sampling by selecting provinces from each of the 4 regions. Finally, step 3 utilised accidental sampling, where a group of samples was selected based on their experiences buying products from electronic commercial services. As a research instrument and the overall Cronbach’s alpha is 0.947. SPSS and Lisrel software were used to analyse the questionnaires. Frequency, Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, Multiple Linear Regression, Pearson Correlation, Measurement Model, and Structural equation model (SEM) were utilised for analysis. This study applied the developed linear-causal structural variable method and the results indicated that Social Media Impact has an impact on customer online purchasing with a factor loading of 0.67, whereas, social media factors have an indirect impact on satisfaction with a factor loading was 0.18. Therefore, it was concluded that social media marketing seems to influence consumer online purchasing decisions directly rather than indirectly. In addition, the results of the marketing mix had a factor loading of 0.54 on the consumer's online purchasing, whereas the results of the service quality had a factor loading of 0.32. In contrast, the factor loading for the influence of service quality on the consumer's online purchasing decision is 0.11. The results of the analysis indicate that Service Quality has an indirect influence on the customer purchase decision, whereas Customer Satisfaction has a direct effect. These two factors are dependent on one another and the result is that Service Quality has a statistically significant impact on the customer purchase decision.
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