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Panida Rattanarat
Nantapong Milaehman
Sirisawas Thongkanluang


The objectives of this study were 1) to study current conditions, desirable conditions and guidelines for organizational culture Change, 2) to develop a organizational culture change model to increase the effectiveness of the schools, and 3) to validate the structural accuracy of the model. Using an integrated research and development model. The participants in this study consisted of 724 individuals who held positions administrators, teachers and experts. The researcher employed a multi-stage sampling method. The data collection instruments utilized in this study consisted of a questionnaire and an interview. The statistical techniques employed encompassed frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, content analysis, and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). The results indicated that: 1) the organizational culture change to Increase the effectiveness of the schools was currently at an average level of 3.98, which could be considered good. Similarly, the desired conditions had an average level of 4.46, also indicating a good level. There were significant distinctions observed at 0.01. Furthermore, guidelines for changing the organizational culture is the development of leadership that creates change, set a clear strategic vision and develop personnel towards professionalism for the good effectiveness of educational institutions. 2) Results of examining the effectiveness of this model: The model included 5 elements and 27 indicators. These elements were: (1) the personnel development; (2) the strategic plan; (3) administrators leadership; (4) participation of community; and (5) effectiveness of the schools; The average score for the efficiency was 4.79, indicating the most level of efficiency. Lastly, 3) the organizational culture change model was found to be consistent with the empirical data (gif.latex?X^{2} = 207.12, df = 200, p = 0.35, gif.latex?X^{2}/df = 1.04, CFI = 0.97, TLI = 0.94, RMSEA = 0.04). Each component has a component weight in the range of 0.766-0.937, and each indicator of the main component has a weight in the range of 0.728-0.979. There were significant difference at 0.01.

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How to Cite
Rattanarat, P. ., Milaehman, N. ., & Thongkanluang, S. . (2024). ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE CHANGE MODEL TO INCREASE THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE SCHOOLS UNDER SURATTHANI PRIMARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE 3. Journal of Education and Innovation, 26(3), 318–331. retrieved from
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