Ancient Vocabulary in Urangadhatu: The Reflection of the Lan Chang Culture

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narongsak rawarin


This article was a part of the research project entitled the analysis and the making of Isan ancient vocabulary glossary found in the palm-leaf manuscript “Urangadhatu of Junlasakarat 1167” (2348 B.E. or 1805 A.D.).
The results showed that the vocabulariy list and their contexts reflected the Mekong River Basin culture, which has recently vanished. Some glossaries still existed in some specific areas. The analysis of the current study revealed six categories of ancient words. These categories included 1) the name of Phu Kampra, 2) materials, equipment, buildings, e.g. Satai, Hin Mook, Obmung, 3) ancient money, e.g. Duang (Round coin), Pae (Flat coin), Nhan, 4) animals, e.g. Nguak, Pla Chanak (Sawfish), Pla Pian Fai, 5) utensils, e.g. Tai, Mai See
Fun (Toothbrush), Oe, and 6) costumes, e.g. Kra Jon, Pa Sadok, Mao, Wan Lak Kang.

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How to Cite
rawarin, narongsak. (2020). Ancient Vocabulary in Urangadhatu: The Reflection of the Lan Chang Culture. Journal of Man and Society, 6(1), 7–25. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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