Magic Fingers Magic Fingers with Learning Management about Three-Sound Group and Tonal Variation

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Arnon Namlad


The purpose of this article was to present the results of successful learning management in improving students who had problems with tonal variation by using magic fingers according to 5 lesson plans. They were 1) Thai audio 2) Spelling section 3) Death-word 4) Triayang, and 5) Sound diversion tone marks. The teacher used the Cooperative Teaching process with the technique of “Co-op Co-op” Cooperative Learning. The teacher used games, song, Facebook, and Kahoot application to apply in each learning management to make them more successful. After the learning management, it was found that the students had more understanding about the lessons, and they could classify tonal forms and sounds. Moreover, they could be better at reading and writing.

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How to Cite
Namlad, A. (2021). Magic Fingers Magic Fingers with Learning Management about Three-Sound Group and Tonal Variation. Journal of Man and Society, 6(2), 83–102. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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