Biodiversity spatial affecting the stability of the ethnic groups that live in the river area in Chanthaburi

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wongtham sarana


  This paper aimed to investigate the spatial biological diversity affecting the creation of the food security of the ethnic groups of Chinese, Vietnamese and Tai along the river basin of Chanthaburi Province. This study employed Participatory Research (PAR) by searching for a commitment approach among researchers and ethnic groups and Transdisciplinary Research combining various disciplines and integrated as a whole, especially in terms of food production and creating food security.

The results showed that Vietnamese lived their lives by producing food in the wisdom of Vietnamese cuisine at Catholic monastic community blending the Vietnamese immigrant and variety of local wisdom in Chantaburi Province and tasteless food. The consumption of fish and vegetables is key. Those were related to biodiversity and a reflection of the political events of the history under the French colonies. Biodiversity spatial effects to create food security. The main reason was the expansion of the community and a path forward to resolve water flooding. However, those not affecting the food security due to markets outside replace the biodiversity changing. The Chinese way of producing food has instead not adapted that much because of the similarity of the state's natural resources. An environmental and cultural, and religious belief of rice and fish is the staple food. The food is first boiled rice with fried vegetables. China's current food production is a blend of cultures, noodle dishes called “Sen Chan” is a local identity and exports. Additionally, the Tai ways of producing food have remained traditional cuisine, which is originally seafood. This revealed the biodiversity spatial effects to the products on food security. The current public policy, nature, and environmental change impact food security regarding availability, access, and utilization, affecting stability.  

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How to Cite
sarana, wongtham. (2021). Biodiversity spatial affecting the stability of the ethnic groups that live in the river area in Chanthaburi. Journal of Man and Society, 6(2), 7–32. Retrieved from
Research Article


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