Buddha’s Biography Myths with Creating of Cultural Landscape in Bueng-Karn Province

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อาทิตย์ แวงโส


The purpose of this article was aimed to study Buddha’s Biography local Myths as crucial roles in the creating of the cultural landscape in Bueng Kan Province. The information in these studies is the traditional local history gaining information by the local people and key informants. It is applied by creating a cultural landscape conceptual framework and the folklore’s role meaning to analyze. The result of this study is as follow; the local people perception about the local Buddha’s Biography Myths concern with the Lord Buddha. It is depicted by the supernatural event, and it is also believed that it occurred by the sacred thing’s germination as a Buddhist guard. The reasons to do these is to pay respect to the Lord Buddha. It also acts as a way of practice through belief and rite to pay respect via sign sacred things concerning the Buddhist religion. Additionally, it is also related to the Lord Buddha’s previous existence, which is explained in the retelling story about the Bodhisattva in the presence of the Lord Buddha’s tale. However, Buddha’s Biography Myths concerns the instructor monk who is highly respected by people, including the Buddhist’ amulet, which is a representative of Lord Buddha and some of the animal that is a sing of the Buddhist religion. These events are vital roles for narrating the physical environment of the Bueng Kan areas, such as rivers, forest, streams, underwater caves, and cliffs in front of caves; all are creating a landscape known for everyone. The importance of the Buddha’s Biography is a retelling by generation. It is shown the role of retelling the story of folklore, reflecting the vision, valuing, and way of life of Esan people close closely related to the environment near the Khong river.

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How to Cite
แวงโส อ. (2021). Buddha’s Biography Myths with Creating of Cultural Landscape in Bueng-Karn Province. Journal of Man and Society, 6(2), 67–82. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/husocjournal/article/view/242418
Research Article


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