The Relationship between Satisfaction towards Augmented Reality of Eastern Folk Sport Wisdom and Attitudes towards Eastern Folk Sport of Secondary School Students in the Eastern Economic Corridors

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Wirat Sonchan
Saralee Sonchan
Somporn Songtrakul


This research aimed to 1) study the satisfaction among secondary school students in the EEC towards the augmented reality of Eastern folk sport wisdom 2) study attitudes among secondary school students in the EEC towards the Eastern folk sport after participating in augmented reality of folk sport wisdom and 3) study the relationship between the satisfaction of augmented reality of folk sport wisdom and attitudes towards the Eastern
folk sport among secondary school students in the EEC. The samples were 90 secondary school students from 3 schools in three provinces in the EEC, totaling 270 students by a simple random sampling method. The lottery was used to select schools of each district and then recruit volunteers to
participate in this study. The research tools were the set of augmented reality technology entitled the “Eastern folk sport” and satisfaction an dattitudes questionnaires towards augmented reality of folk sport wisdom with accuracy at 0.7 – 1.00 and reliability at 0.96. The descriptive statistics included Mean (x̄), Standard Deviation (S.D.). The Pearson Correlation with a statistical significance level of 0.01 was used to analyze the relationship. The findings showed the highest level of satisfaction towards the augmented reality of folk sport at 4.55+0.43 and the highest level of attitudes towards the Eastern folk sport at 4.57+0.48. Also, they revealed that the relationship
between satisfaction with augmented reality technology of folk sports wisdom and attitudes towards Eastern folk sports had a correlation coefficient of 0.734. According to these findings, it can be concluded that the set of augmented reality technology of folk sport wisdom was a tool for knowledge transmission that satisfied secondary school students in the EEC. Moreover, the satisfaction had a high level of attitudes towards the Eastern folk sport.

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How to Cite
Sonchan, W., Sonchan, S., & Songtrakul, S. (2023). The Relationship between Satisfaction towards Augmented Reality of Eastern Folk Sport Wisdom and Attitudes towards Eastern Folk Sport of Secondary School Students in the Eastern Economic Corridors. Journal of Man and Society, 9(1), 209–230. Retrieved from
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