Long Nang Theiym rituals in Phon Phisai District, Nong Khai Province : The dynamics and interactions of gods, spirits, and humans

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wattanachai kamewpimpa
Nittaya Wannakit


This article aims to investigate the rituals and dynamics of the Long Nang Theiym rituals in the Ban Chom Nang community area, Wat Luang Subdistrict, Phon Phisai District, Nong Khai Province. The research utilizes documentary sources with empirical data collected from observations and interviews. The study focuses on the dynamics of the Long Nang Theiym rituals in Phon Phisai District, Nong Khai Province. The study found that these rituals serve to honor the protective deity or Mahesak ghost of the city and ask for divine blessings for the villagers’ happiness and safety from disasters. Moreover, the research revealed four main points of interest: 1) the interactive relationship among gods, spirits, and humans demonstrating the connection between humans and divine powers; 2) the maintenance of the identity of the ritual amidst the dynamics of society, focusing on adapting the Long Nang Theiym rituals to modern society; 3) The transition from village to urban society facilitated by the economic development of Phon Phisai, Nong Khai Province, and its integration of local cultural capital; and 4) Nang Thiam and the preservation of the status of a sacred person under social change, emphasizing cultural values and traditions. Long Nang Theiym rituals are not only a symbolic expression of human submission to sacred or supernatural powers, but they also reflect Thai society's reliance on nature and local people's mindset, which is firmly connected to a belief that guides their way of life.

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How to Cite
kamewpimpa, wattanachai, & Wannakit, N. (2024). Long Nang Theiym rituals in Phon Phisai District, Nong Khai Province : The dynamics and interactions of gods, spirits, and humans. Journal of Man and Society, 10(1), 29–50. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/husocjournal/article/view/269284
Research Article


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