A Study of the Gay Monk Identity: Case Study of Gay Monks in Chiang Rai

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Thanapon Dej-u-pakarn


This study aimed to reveal the definitions of the current identity of gay monks along with the deconstruction process and construction of a new identity for gay monks within monastic gender. This process arose from negotiations, fighting, and pushing with monks who had a hegemonic masculinity in northern society. This study used postmodern feminist ethnographic research methodology through in-depth interviews. The mentioned interview had three main points of results. The first result showed that the definition of identity of gay monks is the behavior of gay monks that appropriate to the role, function and position. The second result showed that the identity construction of men in the northern region from their childhood was not required to work according to sex. Therefore, boys could help with housework. The concept of masculinity in society caused the devaluation of gay in a secular society; however, the status was changed in a monastic society where gay monks were praised and honored. The third result showed that gay monks negotiated and fought by means of application of femininity such as cleaning temples, adorning the place and teaching housewives in dance for the sake of Buddhism. However, Thai society still adhered to the negative stereotypes of gay. As a result, the status of gay monks was still inferior to that of monks who had a hegemonic masculinity. The result of the fourth study revealed that the identity of gay monks changed all the time. It depended on their role and status as a result of the learning process with the influence of masculinity in a monastic society. This was an invisible power that controlled gay monks and made them choose an identity for existence and survival in the society of masculinity.

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How to Cite
Dej-u-pakarn, T. (2024). A Study of the Gay Monk Identity: Case Study of Gay Monks in Chiang Rai. Journal of Man and Society, 10(1), 93–120. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/husocjournal/article/view/270378
Research Article


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