Decoding culture in Isan Pha Wet Tradition

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Jaruwun Thammawat


The study entitled “Decoding Cultural Codes in lsan Phawed Paintings” is a research study in the area of folklore, which studied Isan long-roll Phawed cloths (cloths painted with stories from Vessantara Jataka, found in lsan or the northeastern region of Thailand) from 13 communities including 10 Isan communities, two Phuthai communities, and one Lao communities in Vientiane. Isan Phawed cloths are regarded as folk arts comparable to several worlds created by folk artists who were inspired by stories from Vessantara Jataka, their own imagination, and their memories about social ways and cultural ways. All sets of the paintings can be interpreted at many levels, offering both direct meanings and hidden meanings. For example, the painting of Kan Thossaporn (Kan is like a chapter or an episode of a long story) illustrates the magical power of lndra, who is giving 10 blessings to Phussadee, a female character in the story. etc.....

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How to Cite
Thammawat, J. . (2024). Decoding culture in Isan Pha Wet Tradition. Journal of Man and Society, 1(1), 6–31. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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