Impressionism discourse under the age of consumerism in postmodern novel “Daughter of hermit”

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Rangsan Naiprom


Under the post-modern society, it is defined as the era of consumerism that has caused a social phenomenon in several dimensions particularly in meaning contestation of the marginalized which become a cultural product to satisfy the desires of society. This article aims to analyze the discourse recluse under the age of consumerism using chapter i.e., Postmodern novel impressionism, daughter of hermit of ParithasHutangkun. The results of the study found that the marginalized in society should modify social identities and practices in order to survive in the age of capitalism through the process of creating a recluse. Impressionism discourse can be defined and dominant meanings in various dimensions such as hermit defines it by himself as a career. As for outsiders, they define both in positive and negative, through a bizarre distortion, crazy, cult mutations, a delusion or hallucination conditions, a heretic Old Wine, New Bottles phenomenal cook. The era of consumerism create meaningful social entertainment products i.e., a hermit. In addition, an image of Impressionism has created a new meaning in a virtual reality environment (simulation) and became a symbol of liberation from capitalism. Discourse Impressionism is a collision between the realist and magical world and shows the implications of social critique of consumerism and the other one.

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How to Cite
Naiprom, . R. (2024). Impressionism discourse under the age of consumerism in postmodern novel “Daughter of hermit”. Journal of Man and Society, 1(1), 55–74. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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