Tendency of Public Policy Movement on the Tourism along with Mekong River: A Case Study of Nakonpanom Province to Ubonrachathani Province and Khammouane Province to Champasak Province

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Prajuap Janmeun


Problems that have been left over for a long time of tourism management along with Mekong river, there are 4 important points; namely 1) on the tourist attraction, it doesn’t have the new tourist attraction to attract new group tourists, at the same time the tourist attractions there have already been, although they try to adjust in many cases, but it is only adjusting the important tourist attraction. So it can make other tourist attractions being declined, 2) auxiliary agencies both government sector and private sector, they still lack of development plan integration together, 3) communities there are not still personnel on the tourism management and 4) tourism management between Thailand and Laos along with Mekong river, it still has limitation on the law.
Tendency in the future of tourism management along with Mekong river, it will have tourism management by more and more community. Villagers in the villages along with Mekong river will participate in more and more tourism management. As for suggestions in tourist attractions development along with Mekong river in the area study; namely public policy integration on the tourism since community level, provincial level and the group level of Nakonpanom province, Mukdaharn province, Amnartcharoen province and Ubonrachathani province, government sector must have private sector joining as the important mechanism in pushing forward to have tourism strategic plan linked with 4 provinces by use of social and cultural variety of basin of a Mekong river as the important matter in stretching the tourism image in 4 provinces.

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How to Cite
Janmeun, P. (2024). Tendency of Public Policy Movement on the Tourism along with Mekong River: A Case Study of Nakonpanom Province to Ubonrachathani Province and Khammouane Province to Champasak Province. Journal of Man and Society, 1(2), 42–61. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/husocjournal/article/view/272261
Research Article


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