Sexuality and Feminism: Conception of Ecological Culture in Isan Folk Literatures

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Surathdchanukoon Nunphooban


This article aims to study sexuality and feminism in Isan Folk Literatures by implementing the conceptual idea of Ecofeminism to analyze the meaning of ecological culture.
The results of the study found that sexuality and feminism are interpreted through Isan Folk Literatures in three conceptions: 1) Sexuality of Male and the right of patriarchy; 2) sexuality and conception of traditional agriculture and 3) females and pressure in terms of sexuality.
According to the study, sexuality of male, meanings in literatures, are reflected through the discourses describing characters as ‘husband’ and fraternity. These words have been used in Isan Folk Literatures until becoming a myth or a sign in Isan culture in which men have gotten a privilege and higher social recognition than their wives and their children.
In Isan Folk Literature, sexuality of female is praised as Goddess of birth who protects crops according to a conception of traditional agriculture. Based on a conception of feminism, an analization of feminism reveals that sexuality of female implies being pressured, sexual harassment, compelling and violating natural purity. These meanings are interpreted from the natural signs expressed through female characters.
The study of “Sexuality” through a conception of ecofeminism appeared in folk literature reflects that Isan people recognize the importance of living with nature and relationship between human beings and nature. A role of female in folk literature reflects the sign of the goddess of birth in traditional agriculture society. Sexuality of female harassed by sexuality of male in folk literature reflects characteristics of the people in the city who seem to only take advantage from natural purity in conception of ecofeminism interestingly.

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How to Cite
Nunphooban, . S. (2024). Sexuality and Feminism: Conception of Ecological Culture in Isan Folk Literatures. Journal of Man and Society, 1(2), 126–158. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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