Cultural Meanings in the Mythof Makamlai

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Poramet Uttaranit


The objective of this article is to study the legend of Makamlai (i.e. Kamlai Horse) in cultural terms from the local legend in Phen District, UdonThani Province by considering the legendary person and his companion: Phra Sri That and Makamlai. The legend affects the local people’s thoughts, beliefs and cultural rituals. According to the findings, it was found that the legend had four cultural influences the Ban That Community as follows: 1) Reflection the history of people in the past and the construction of city, 2) leading to Song Makamlai Ritual, 3) linking Song Makamlai Ritual and Boon Bung Fai Festival together, and 4) reflecting religious beliefs and holiness. This study indicated that the cultures were created from ancient beliefs and mixed with the local rituals and then created practices that have been inherited since then. This is an idea for promoting harmony, faith in sacred things and ancestors, social rules and religion.

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How to Cite
Uttaranit, P. (2024). Cultural Meanings in the Mythof Makamlai. Journal of Man and Society, 2(1), 26–51. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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