The character of the pundit and the knave in Mahosot jataka

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Smai Wanaudon


The article aims to study two contrasting characters; the pundit and the knave or a bully who acted in Mahosot jataka. The story illustrates the pundit who understand the issues and solve carefully problems with their own problems and problems with others. The theory structuralism of Claude Levi-Strauss, binary opposition, was used to analyze for distinguish two contrasting character between the pundits and the knaves. The study was found that the five characteristics of pundit include 1. The wisdom 2. The benevolence 3. The gratitude 4. The veracity and 5. Generously fortune and praise. While, the five characters of knave include 1. The thief 2. Jealousy 3. Spitefulness 4. The credulity and 5. The greed of fortune praise. The characteristics of pundit in the story conform to the ideology of the desirable characteristic graduatiss in Thai society from the national conference on “Ideal Thai Graduates”.

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How to Cite
Wanaudon, S. (2024). The character of the pundit and the knave in Mahosot jataka. Journal of Man and Society, 2(1), 52–73. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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