The principles for liberation in Tialu’s Concrete Poetry

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Kaewta Chantranusorn


Tialu is the pseudonym of Mr. Chareon kulsuwan Artist Legacy East Branch Literature (Concrete Poetry) for the year 2551 by Tialu expressed the desire of the creative art of Buddhist art to “Nirvana” so Tialu therefore Wan picture as presented fairly. advanced Buddhist philosophy called the principle of Dharma 9 Eye removal of ignorance which causes the circular in the Sagsar. The Tialu reiterated that the art of creative artists, most of them living a fantasy. But their contribution Concrete Poetry comes from. “enlightenment” is the present reality of the effect of depriving prayer and serious consideration, too. Yonisomanasikara This article aims to analyze the meaning of the fair offered through the forms (Khan) on the set of two series that present about “art casts preconceived” and “ Concrete Poetry Thailand connect it to Nirvana” by the Righteous 9 Eye Study. Figure 2 is a series thatConcrete Poetry points out of shape. “Do not be selfish,” to understand the living world and the universe is under the rule of “Trinity,” “I Tupper factors eye” and “Dhama’s eyes” that leads to mindfulness to see as it is. and trained to intentionally cause suffering - suffering under the cause of the fire four Noble Truths.

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How to Cite
Chantranusorn, . K. (2024). The principles for liberation in Tialu’s Concrete Poetry. Journal of Man and Society, 2(2), 9–25. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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