Social Space Construction of the Christians in Song Khon Village, Wan Yai District, Mukdahan Province

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Chaiwiwat Wongsawat


This article aimed to study social space construction of the Roman Catholics in Song Khon Village, Wan Yai District, Mukdahan Province. Results found that social space was constructed by the narratives influenced by antecedent memories, the transformation of sacred space and fields of care to public space, the adjustment of religious beliefs and rituals as hybrid cultures. These actions have accomplished through the integration of culture and the application of beliefs and rituals for the participation of other people from all religions. All practices could encourage villagers’ representation of identity in order to receive perception, understanding and acceptance from external people. This strategy is useful for the villagers to survive and protect their dignity due to marginalization under power relations.

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How to Cite
Wongsawat, C. (2024). Social Space Construction of the Christians in Song Khon Village, Wan Yai District, Mukdahan Province. Journal of Man and Society, 2(2), 26–44. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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