The Wars When Siamese loose Ayutthaya to Burmese in 1569 Study from the Historical Documents of Thai, Laos and Burmese

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Kampol Champapan


This paper is presenting the studies of the results about The Wars when Ayutthaya lost city to Burmese in 1569 A.D. By used the historical documents of Thai, Laos and Burmese in especiallyit are said to the events, story and main character. Because these events were Ayutthaya have relation with Hongsawadi and Vientiane. The historical documents of Laos and Burmese praised their heroes in history which are become to the heroic of nations in next times. But the historical documents of Thai has also praised and not praised. Because the author of chronicles has the conditions are different. As the importance result to explain the events about the Wars in 1767 A.D. become to the standard point of view about the wars in 1569 A.D. and the other problems in the periodization of Thai history. And the chronological classification to define the 1569 A.D. war as “the 1st war at Ayutthaya lost city to Burmese”. And to define the 1767 A.D. war as “the 2nd war at Ayutthaya lost city to Burmese”.

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How to Cite
Champapan, . K. (2024). The Wars When Siamese loose Ayutthaya to Burmese in 1569 Study from the Historical Documents of Thai, Laos and Burmese. Journal of Man and Society, 2(2), 122–142. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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