แนวทางการปรับปรุงนิทรรศการ เรื่องกลุ่มชาติพันธ์ุชอง ในชุดนิทรรศการ ด้านศิลปวัฒนธรรมภาคตะวันออก หอศิลปะและวัฒนธรรมภาคตะวันออก มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา Improvement Guidelines of Permanent Exhibition on “Chong Ethnic Group” in Eastern Center of Art and Culture,...

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ศรัญญา ประสพชิงชนะ


The objectives of this research are to analyze problems of a permanent exhibition, Chong’s culture in the eastern region, and to improve the exhibition of Chong Ethnic groups to improve its efficiency and attract more attention. The methodology of the research is a mixed method, qualitative and quantitative research, which uses a questionnaire to survey satisfaction and estimation about the organization of the exhibition. Results of the survey with exhibition theories are employed for improving the exhibition to have more efficacy and gratification. The results of the research show that the exhibition of Chong’s culture in the eastern region has not yet been improved, since the opening of the Eastern Center of Art and Culture, Burapha University in 2006. Therefore, the content and management technique of the exhibition are static. The static content is the projected image of Chong’s people in the past as old and simple living style, and there is no dynamic display of Chong life style as improved in Thai political strategy and economic discourse. Thus, the researcher proposes various ways how to improve the exhibit in terms of contents and management techniques to be presented in a modern approach to the audience. The main topic of the exhibition has still be used as the same, but the fine details of the new exhibit are improved to be easily understood by the public. This would lead the elevation of the cultural recognition of the Chong ethnic group.


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