ความขัดแย้งจากโครงการอันเนื่องจากนโยบายของรัฐ จังหวัดชลบุรี Conflicts Occurred from State Projects in Chon Buri

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สุภัสตรา เก้าประดิษฐ์ ทรัพย์ชูกุล


The objectives of this qualitative research were (1) to explore causes of conflict and the conflict management process; and (2) to develop a spatial information database for conflict and conflict management. Research Methodologies were In-depth interview and spatial information mapping. The key informants were the 92 sub-district headmen or the district representatives of the 92 sub-districts of 11 districts in Chon Buri. The study focused on public policy conflict which the controversy occurred from the projects that came under the state policy at national or local level. The research results showed that the causes of conflict were mostly from the benefits. The other causes were the problems about data, broken relationships, different values and social structures. The state of the conflict resolution was largely solved by the negotiation or mediation, the submission of the letters to the relevant organizations, and using public media.


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