Developing Motivation in Learning English for Communication Using Project-Based Learning

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Anna Phonsawai
Somboon Chetchumlong


English has played a very important role in communication in this present era. However, many Thai students lacked of motivation anddid not think much of its importance. The researcher thus wanted to stimulate and create motivation for students’ English development inusing and communicating with foreigners. The researcher used Project-Based Learning or PBL with the first-year students of High Vocational Certificate at Pattaya Technical College to compare motivations in using English for communication between the students who received and did not receive PBL. The researcher used a Quasi-experimental Research to compare motivation between 30 students of a control group (Logistics students) and 30 students of an experimental group (Mechanical students). The data were collected with a questionnaire concerning motivation in using English for communication, a semi-structure interview, a behavioral observation form and PBL. The result showed that after using PBL, students of the experimental group had high levels of intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Students of the control group had medium levels of intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. From the comparison study of motivation in using English for communication between the two groups, the result showed that motivation of students in the experimental group was higher than motivation of students in the control group at the statistically significant level of .05.


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