Media’s Satisfaction towards Media Relations’ Tools

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Visa Cheawsamut


This research aimed to study media relations tools of corporate communications /public relations officers, media’s satisfaction levels,  a frequency of using the tools. This mixed research were two methods                  of data collection. First, an in-depth interview was purposive sampling conducted with four corporate communications/public relations officers who were working in modern trade organizations not less than one year. Secondly, in survey research the questionnaire was used to study frequency and satisfaction of using media relations tools. The participants of this research were limited to 59 economics news reporters specializing in retail industry. The findings from in-depth interview revealed that most organizations put an emphasis on media relations at the high level by determining strategies, always keeping contact, understanding how reporters worked, and recognizing the environment where they worked.

The results from data collection from questionnaires showed that press release or executives briefing were satisfactory for most of the organizations. The media tool which was the most frequently used was maintaining long-term companionship. 


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