New Media Usage for Recreation on Football with the Perception of Social Relation of the Elderly Football Fans of Chonburi F.C. Club
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This study aimed to 1. study the behaviors of the usage of new media of the elderly football fans of Chonburi F.C. Club, 2. Compare the spending time of new media with the perception of social relationship of the elderly football fans, 3. study the perception of the value of new media of the elderly football fans, and 4. study the role of new media on building social relationship of the elderly football fans. The research methodology comprised 2 methods: 1. the quantitative research by using the survey method from 400 samples and 2. the qualitative research by using the in-depth interview from 12 elderly football fans.
The results were as follows: 1. the participants used Facebook for searching information, discussed some issues, and viewed Chonburi F.C. Club’ football match via the application on smart phone during 18.01 p.m.-24.00 a.m. at the highest level. 2. The difference of spending time on the new media had affected the perception of social relationship at a statistical significance level of 0.05. 3.The elderly football fans perceived the value of new media on 2 issues: usefulness and mental issue. The usefulness comprised speediness, distances, comfort, and building social relationship and the mental issue comprised making life happy, solving loneliness, and reducing stress. 4.The new media had the important role on building social relationship among the groups of football fans and the groups of football fans with the football club.
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