The Characteristics and Dynamics of Vegetarian Festival in BanMoo Shrine, Saochangok Sub-district, Bangkla District, Chachoengsao Province in Contemporary Thai Society

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Chonticha Nisaisat
Watcharee Punniyom


BanMoo Shrine, Saochangok Sub-district, Bangkla District, Chachoengsao Province is one of the oldest Shrines in Chachoengsao province. This shrine has a tradition of an annual Vegetarian Festival of Thai-Chinese people who settled in Saochangok Sub-district over a hundred years ago. This research aimed to analyze the characteristics and dynamism of rituals in Vegetarian Festival in BanMoo Shrine. The research revealed that an interesting belief of Vegetarian Festival in BanMoo Shrine is authenticity, focusing on the practice of meditation which was the main principle of vegetarianism during the ninth lunar month of the Chinese calendar. In addition, it also has alms canteen throughout nine days. The most famous vegetarian food is Tao Guo (tofu), which is traditional Chinese cuisine in Saochangok. At present, the society has impacted Vegetarian Festival’s dynamism in BanMoo Shrine three types which are pattern dynamism, component dynamism and ritualist dynamism.


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