Human Condition in Krishnamurti’s Philosophy

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Chayada Rasrichan
Chainarong Srimanta
Sakun Onma


The purpose of the research is to study concepts of human condition in Krishnamurti’s philosophy from books, writings, video as well as the related research. The data was analyzed and synthesized systematically, and finally, presented in a descriptive manner.
The research findings were as follows: The human conditions in the philosophy of Krishnamurti can be viewed in many dimensions because all humans have their life conditioned by fears, ambitions, desires, confusions, envies and suffer confliction. Humans created this world with existence of self and the various senses from the conscious were obscured. Humans are deceived by the truth and knowledge, but they have the freedom to choose.  Krishnamutri does not want people to accept his ideas. He encourages the awareness of self-consciousness; the mind should be investigative of the truth and honest without  judgment. He believes in total awareness as being essential for a free mind.


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