The Contemplation-oriented Transformative Learning Facilitation for Cultivating Eco-cultural Entrepreneurs of the Bang Pakong Communities

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Somsit Asdornnithee
Paiboon Sophonsuwapap
Kan Tattiyakul


With the basic assumption to give a priority to human beings and their learning process, this research aimed to investigate the contemplation-oriented transformative learning facilitation appropriate for the cultivation of eco-cultural entrepreneurs of the Bang Pakong communities as well as to study their capabilities found after the completion of the program. The methodology used was action research; and data were collected and analyzed qualitatively; using focus group interview, journaling, non-participant observation, and in-depth interview as research tools. The results revealed that the appropriate learning process was found to be a participatory and experiential one, with a good balance between inner and outer practices; whilst values, meanings, and intents were prioritized over other things. Meanwhile, crucial capabilities developed in participants were deep realization upon root empowerment of the communities, team cohesion, and inspiration and faith in value driven action.  As the major outputs, the project yielded 22 spots of cultural space and three different cultural maps.  


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