The Changes and Democratization Process in the Rural Eastern Areas in Thailand

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Booncherd Nu-Im


The study of changes and democracy processes in rural eastern areas in Thailand aimed to study economic, social, political and the democratic process in rural areas through the historical perspective of the three rural communities. The results indicated changes in the way of life. There is a transition from an agricultural society to a society in which entrepreneurs produce directly to the market. The community democracy movement is characterized by two forms: the top-down democracy and the bottom-to-top democracy. Networks and villagers negotiate with formal powers to reorganize social relationships. The emotional structure of people in economic dimensions has a commercial way of thinking and feeling. This means that they consider the pursuit of profit and security. The political dimension of elections means the policy guarantees that they are expected to be given economic opportunity. Presenting their identities in the public sphere, the democratic process is not just a form, but it means enabling people in society to express their opinions, challenge, negotiate, participate and ensure the independent use of power and self-expression in society to create opportunities in daily life.


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