The Narrative and Creation Strategies of Halal Films

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Najak Wongyim
Manoch Chummuangpak


This qualitative study aimed to investigate the narrative and creation strategies of Halal films. Data collection included textual analysis, in-depth interview and analysis of relevant documents used to promote the films. The findings indicated that the plots were tied to the lifestyle of Muslims and Islam. The narrative conflicts were created by the characters who had to choose between what was right and wrong according to the norms of Islam. The concept of the Halal films was underpinned by the value of the doctrine of Islam, good image of Muslims and Islam and the results of those who believed in Islam which would eventually find true happiness. Regarding the production processes of the Halal films, it was found that crowdfunding was used as a tool to raise funds for making the films. The actors and film crew took part in the films through the idea of shared ideology. In the shooting process, the Muslim ways of living were applied. For the post-production, compositions of the entertainment qualities were reduced. The screening and distribution of the Halal films were limited to small viewing areas. The study illustrated the way in which the Halal film directors negotiated between the art of film and Islamic rules. Also, this study pointed out the role of alternative media that helped create a space for the Muslim community in the Thai society.


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