The Social Structure and Lifestyles of Thai Prostitutes in Thai Literature during 1937-1966

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Kit Sodalee


The study employs a qualitative research approach to investigate the social structure and lifestyles of the prostitutes in Thai literature during the years of 1937 and 1966. Three literatures published in the era including “Ying Khon Chooa (The Prostitute)”, Sanim Soy (The Rust), and Roi Montin (The Flaw)” were selected as the samples. The result of the study indicated that the social structure of the prostitutes in Thai literature was constructed by the conservative, capitalist, and patriarchal characteristics of Thai society. Specifically, the conservative structure of the society constructed the discourses such as “easily laid women,” “misfortune women,” and “purchasable women.” Moreover, the capitalist structure created discourses related to money such as “money is an answer to everything.” Lastly, the patriarchal structure of the society led to the discourses referring men to women’s guardians and masters and women to sexual objects. In terms of the characteristics of the prostitutes in literature, the findings show that prostitution was caused by seduction and poverty. The profession responded to the needs of the family whose wife could not fulfill the sexual desire of husband. Prostitutes also offered therapy for men with unusual sexual desire. The fact that brothels need to seek strategies to convince more customers drove prostitutes to use any forms of their beauty-body, mind, and clothing to seduce visitors.
However, the study indicates that the women were treated with inequality. What is more tragic is that these women had not many choices since they relied on money which could bring about good fortune to their families.


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