Local Identity Communication for Tourism Promotion at Koh Mak, Pak Phayun District, Phatthalung Province

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Jarernnate Saengdoungkhae


The objectives of this research were to explore the local identity of Koh Mak community, Pak Phayun, Phatthalung and to develop the communication format and media that reflects local identity to promote tourism in Koh Mak, Pak Phayun, Phatthalung. This research was a qualitative research using Participatory Action Research, starting from the community participation in searching for local identities, selecting media formats, designing media and evaluating media quality.

The study found that the needed local identities for community included identities for lifestyle, food, tourism, and folk wisdoms. The media formats that the community needs include Facebook pages and video media, where people in the community participated in the media production as planners, policy makers, producers/co-producers and active audience members.

The results of media quality assessment on the Facebook pages revealed that the audience was satisfied with the usefulness of the content for the community and the content that reflects the local identity in various fields at the highest level. The audience’s satisfaction indicated a high-level satisfaction on the clarity and the length of the content. In terms of the video media, the audience’s satisfaction was at the highest level. They were satisfied with the appropriated media format, the beautiful pictures presented, the use of images that are consistent with the story presented, and the fact that the media can promote tourism in Koh Mak community. Finally, the audience’s satisfaction on the beauty of the media, the representation of local identity, and the length of the media was at the high level.


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