The Participatory Action Research of Community Empowerment in Aeko-Saenkumlue Village, Using the Contemplation-Oriented Transformative Facilitation

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Somsit Asdornnithee
Sirichai Mongkolkiatsri
Wilailuk Kailast
Pariyaporn Tengprasert
Sutamma Dharmasakti


This research’s objectives were to study the contemplation-oriented transformative facilitation appropriate for the community empowerment in Aeko-Saenkumlue and to explicate the participants’ inner and outer changes found after the completion of learning program. It employed Participatory Action Research as its methodology while centered on the project-based learning with cooperative manner in all steps. The results revealed that the praxis of effective transformative facilitation consisted of co-created intent of doing common good with the addition of trust, intimacy, contextual knowing, supplementary skills both inner and outer, group empowerment with empathy, cooperation, inspiration, supports of mentorship, recognition, and faith in leadership. Meanwhile, the inner changes found in the participants were those regarding mindfulness, betterment in relationships, and confidence in self-potentials while outer skills found were aptness in decision making, duty balancing, and new understandings in ancient wisdom and cultural ecology. Nevertheless, the alteration of one’s own meaning perspective is considered as an essential transformation as well.


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