Three-Decade Development of Academic Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Burapha University

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Chittapa Sarapadnuke Chaipunya


This paper aims at synthesizing data related to the Academic Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Burapha University, in order to demonstrate its development in the past 3 decades. The results showed that the development involves 4 main aspects: 1) title change and management; 2) types of papers published; 3) types of authors, and 4) academic fields. The journal title has been renamed for 3 times from Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences to Academic Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, “Burapha Suksa” Academic Journal, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Academic Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Burapha University. The number of annually released volumes (3 volumes) became constant in the 21st year. In the first decade, the editorial team comprised only the internal readers, then in the 12th year, the external readers joined the editorial board. From the 22nd to the 29th years, the external readers outnumbered the internal ones. Regarding the categories of published articles, most publications in the first decade were academic papers. In the 16th year, the research articles outnumbered the academic articles, and from the 19th year up to the present, the number of research articles has been increased to more than 50% of the total published papers. As for the types of authors, the majority of the authors in the first 21 years was the faculty members, and since the 22nd year, the external authors have occasionally outnumbered or have been equal to the internal scholars. In terms of academic fields, there were articles from 16 fields in the first decade. In the 2nd decade, the journal published the articles from 19 fields, and in the 3rd decade, the published papers were from 24 fields.


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