Application of the Transformative Scenario Planning and Hackathon Process for Healthy Public Policy Formulation in Pattaya City

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Patchana Hengboriboonpong Jaidee
Somnuck Jongmeewasin
Thamapol Srisuwan Pornchadatorn
Chanawat Thammapiyawong
Suraphatyothin Bhurananondt
Techid Chawbangpom
Wanlop Jaidee


The objective of this participatory action research was to apply the principles of transformative scenario planning and a hackathon to formulate healthy public policies in Pattaya City. The study involved three phases, including the participatory planning phase, the implementation phase, and the conclusion phase. The data were collected using focus group discussions and participant observation with nine academic sub-committees and 138 participants from nine network partners in Pattaya City during October and November 2022. Then it was analysed using a content analysis and thematic analysis. According to the findings, six future scenarios for Pattaya included 1) a growing city with efficient land use and proper density, 2) a safe city to live, 3) a natural heritage city, 4) a city with public services covering all areas, 5) an educational city that provides education by Pattaya people and for Pattaya people, and 6) a creative cultural heritage city. To develop each of these scenarios, the clear procedures were established. This research, thus, provides valuable insights for the participatory formulation of healthy public policies and the development of concrete policy implementation approaches in Pattaya city.


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