Form, Function, and Semantics Relationship of the Pledges in Duties and Careers in Thai Society

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Khajita Sripoom


The research investigates the structure, purpose, and semantics relations within Thai society’s pledge of duties and careers from October to November 2023. Data was collected from government and private agencies’ websites, resulting in 35 pledges. The findings indicate a prose style, utilization of descriptive rhetoric, and rhetorical strategies. The Pledge has six components: saying names, commissive speech acts, a pledge to behave and not to behave, saying cause-effect of fulfilling promises, citing professional standards or regulations, and saying the profession’s name. The pledges encompass 3 duties: guiding personal behavior, fostering solidarity, and instilling confidence and trust. The study categorizes word meanings into 8 groups: “ethics,” “care,” “self-representation,” “determination,” “morality,” “territory,” “regime,” and “pride.”


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