Needs and Expectations of Burapha University Undergraduate Students Bangsaen Campus towards the Decision to Choose the Elective Course Japanese Language for Communication

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Pansek Arthornturasook


The objectives of this study were 1) to examine and compare the needs and expectations of Burapha University students in choosing the elective course Japanese Language for Communication and 2) to provide a framework for structuring the teaching of Japanese Language for Communication. The study results revealed that Burapha University students were most interested in learning Japanese for communication. Furthermore, their expectations for selecting the elective Japanese language course for communication were also at the highest level. The research comparing the needs and expectations related to the decision to study the Japanese Language for communication found no significant differences in the needs based on gender, age, faculty, desired skills, or expected careers after graduation that led to the decision to study the subject. The expectations of studying Japanese Language for Communication, which led to the decision to study the course, do not differ based on gender, age, faculty, or skills. However, the results show a statistically significant difference when classified by expected career after graduation at the 0.05 level. Therefore, the research hypothesis was accepted. To provide a guideline for organizing the teaching of the Japanese language for communication, the findings suggest that more activities should be conducted during theoretical study so that students have increased opportunities to practice speaking and develop an interest in learning Japanese characters. Therefore, it is important to plan for combining theory and practice in a manner that can be effectively applied in practical situations.


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