Factors Influencing the Behavioral Intention to Follow the King’s Philosophy of the People
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The objectives of this study were: 1) to study the relationship between the variables used in the study according to the theory of planned behavior and 2) to study the influence of attitudes on the approach of King’s philosophy. Amenable to reference groups’ Perceptions of the ability to control behavior that affects behavioral intentions by the lines of King’s philosophy. This research is quantitative, conducted by conducting survey research and collecting questionnaires from a sample group in Chiang Rai Province. The researcher used a random sampling method of 400 people.
The study’s results found that the variable with the highest relationship with behavior following King’s philosophy guidelines is conformity to the reference group (0.807). Furthermore, the attitude towards King’s philosophy approach (0.727) is at the statistical significance level of 0.01. Then, the results of the analysis of influences on behavioral intentions and compliance with the guidelines of the King’s Science. It found that gender, age, attitude, conformity to the reference group, and perceived ability to control behavior were factors that could together predict 71.80%.
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