The Contemporary Strategies for Social Inquiry
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Aristotle developed the strategy of using reason to refer to facts in the formal form of knowledge creation in ancient Greece. It became the precursor to the later development of strategies.
Although Aristotle’s deductive reasoning strategy has long dominated the methods of knowledge acquisition and continues to the present day. In the 17th century, Francis Bacon pointed out that the deductive reasoning method has the weakness that it is unrealistic and does not seek new knowledge. Therefore, the inductive reasoning method is proposed.
At the beginning of the 20th century, Charles Sanders Peirce criticized the traditional method of reasoning for its weaknesses in that it overlooked specific facts. Deductive methods excluded information inconsistent with the premise and removed it from the analysis. The inductive method eliminates data that is inconsistent with the pattern of generalization. He proposed using abductive reasoning, which was later developed into a retroductive method.
The fact-based reasoning of each strategy has both its weaknesses and strengths. Suppose the strengths of one approach are used to complement the shortcomings of the other strategy. In that case, it may lead to much new knowledge and theories under rapidly changing and emerging social phenomena.
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