Semiotic of Disabled Body in Television Commercials
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This research aimed to study the significance of the bodies of people with disabilities in television commercials using qualitative research methods by analyzing the textual analysis that focuses on presenting the disabled body as the main character in the story, consisting of a visually impaired body. Bodies with hearing or communication disabilities, bodies with mobility or physical disability, and bodies with learning disabilities, a total of 6 stories using a theoretical framework, including the concept of the body of people with disabilities, concepts of semiotics, and storytelling and advertising concepts. The research results found that the symbolic interpretation of the body of the disabled in commercials can be divided into three forms: 1) weak body and pitiful, that is, the owner of the body is unable to help himself, which is a physical disability that affects the mind physical disability has become a constraint on living life or participating in society. 2) A body that must prove its abilities; that is, even though people in society reject disabled bodies, people with disabilities have had their bodies proven so that society accepts them in their knowledge, ability, and ability to live everyday life like ordinary people. 3) A body with the same potential as an average person is a step beyond the body’s limits. Becoming a body full of abilities with admirable value can create a career and income.
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