วัฒนธรรมประเพณีกับการสร้างความเข้มแข็งของชุมชนเทศบาลบางม่วง จังหวัดนนทบุรี

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สุพจน์ แสงเงิน


The research entitled, “Traditional culture and community strengthening of Bangmuang Municipality in Nonthaburi Province”, aimed 1) to study the community context and participation in traditional and cultural activities in strengthening the community, and 2) to study problems, obstacles, and problem-solving guidelines in strengthening the community of Bangmuang municipality in Nonthaburi Province. The qualitative and participatory action research methods had been used to collect data from 3 organizations in the community including 27 people from  community organization, 12 from school organization, and 10 from government organization. The research instruments were interview form, observation form, and participatory action. Triangulation was used to check and establish validity. Content analysis was employed to analyze the collected data.

            The research findings were found that Bangmuang community was an old community which was once King U-thong’s cantonment. The community was connected to other communities through water and land routes. The majority of people were farmers. The state of society was reflected by generosity of its people who accepted seniority concessions. The majority of people were Buddhists who adhered to traditions and cultures such as Loi Krathong, Songkran, ordination ceremony, Thot Krathin, ceremony at the shrines, Buddhist lent, spirit houses, and alms offered to monks by water route. These activities brought advantages to the community. For economic aspect, people gained more income from selling things. For social aspect, there was a bond between people due to collaborative work which made them proud and loyal to the local community. For cultural aspect, traditions and cultures were conserved for the next generation. Moreover, problems and obstacles in conducting activities were inadequate budget, ineffective public relations and knowledge about the traditions. For the suggestions and problem-solving guidelines, the community should have plans to conduct the activities with details of the activity process, particularly, to appoint the responsible person for each activity.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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