การรับรู้ ทัศนคติ และความตั้งใจซื้อของคุณแม่มิลเลเนียลที่มีต่อของเล่นอีโค่สำหรับเด็ก


  • ชนนิกานต์ เธียรถาวร คณะนิเทศศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยอัสสัมชัญ


Millennial Mother, Eco-Friendly Toy, Purchase Intention


        Millennials, who are increasingly adopting eco-friendly lifestyles, are entering parenthood and have become important consumers in the baby and children's product market. Notably, toys are consistently among their top three spending categories. In response to these changing consumer behaviors, this study aims to explore millennial mothers' views on eco-friendly toys for their children. The research seeks to uncover the benefits and drawbacks they associate with these toys and the factors influencing their purchase decisions. To accomplish these objectives, the research applied several key concepts, including the marketing mix (7Ps), the consumer decision-making process, and the theory of planned behavior, as guiding frameworks.


        The author conducted in-depth interviews to gather information from a sample of 16 Thai millennial mothers, ranging in age from 29 to 45 (born between 1987 and 1945). Each participant had at least one child between the ages of 0 and 3 years old. Additionally, these mothers had experience with eco-friendly toys, either through knowledge or past purchases, particularly for their children's skill and brain development.


        The findings revealed that millennial mothers have a basic understanding of eco-friendly toys, often learning about them through friends or social media. PlanToys is a recognized eco-friendly brand, while others remain uncertain. They encounter these brands at stores, pop-up booths, kids' cafes, and through gifts. These mothers value eco-friendly toys due to their environmentally conscious production, safety, durability, and developmental advantages. Nonetheless, they express concerns about the limited variety of toys, their weight, vulnerability to moisture, and higher costs. To be specific, millennial mothers prioritize toy safety and quality. Their buying process involves occasional consideration, quick research, and convenience-driven decisions, balancing factors like quality, social input, and independence.


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