

  • เดวิด เอสเตบา วิทยาลัยนิเทศศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยรังสิต
  • นุดี หนูไพโรจน์ วิทยาลัยนิเทศศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยรังสิต


Hollywood movies, Deepfake, film advertising, audience perception, authenticity


        This study delves into Hollywood film audiences' perceptions of deepfakes, specifically how they influence the perceived authenticity of content featuring these manipulated visuals. Building on industry-specific authenticity components defined by Nunes et al. (2021 : 1-20), this study explores audience perceptions of deepfaked content in Hollywood films advertisements and identifies key sentiments influencing the audience’s perception of authenticity in deepfaked content. Two approaches were employed. First, comment data was scraped from YouTube advertisements of six chosen films featuring deepfaked characters. Second, interviews were conducted with fifty participants. Findings from both datasets were then compared.


        The research reveals that deepfakes can create a sense of authenticity, particularly when eliciting emotional responses and honoring the original actors' legacy. However, the effectiveness hinges on execution quality and individual viewer perception. Both data sources yielded consistent results regarding perceptions of Accuracy, Connectedness, Integrity, and Originality. In simpler terms, audiences exhibited tolerance for deepfakes in these areas. Interestingly, the interview data diverged from scraped comments regarding Legitimacy (authorized use of character likeness) and Proficiency (technical mastery). Legitimacy was validated by scraped data but not interviews, while neither source validated Proficiency.


        This study offers valuable insights for filmmakers, visual effects studios, and audiences alike. For filmmakers, the research sheds light on audience perceptions of deepfakes, allowing them to make informed decisions about incorporating this technology. It highlights the importance of high-quality execution and respecting the legacy of the characters being portrayed. For visual effects studios, the study provides valuable feedback on audience expectations regarding deepfakes. This can guide them in their efforts to refine and perfect the technology to achieve a more convincing level of authenticity. For audiences, the research fosters a deeper understanding of how deepfakes can influence their perceptions. It encourages a more critical viewing experience, prompting them to question the authenticity of what they see on screen. Overall, this research paves the way for a more nuanced understanding of deepfakes in the film industry. By recognizing their potential to create emotional connection while acknowledging the limitations in achieving true authenticity, all stakeholders can work towards a future where deepfakes are used responsibly and effectively in storytelling.


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