Guidelines for the Development of Competency to enhance Performance of Personnel in the Municipality of Sila, Khon Kaen Province


  • Siriporn Tatami


Competency, Guideline, Development


This research aims to study the performance of personnel and to study guidelines for the development of competency of personnel within the Sila municipality Khon Kaen Province. It is a quantitative research. By using questionnaires to collect data of 145 personnel within Sila municipality, 132 returned questionnaires, representing 91.03 percent, were analyzed by using frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation.

The results of the research were as follows: 1) Personnel within the Sila municipality, most of them are female 66.67 percent, aged between 41-50 years, representing 38.64 percent, education at the bachelor's degree level 54.55 percent, have a status of government service 54.55 percent have a status of work as worker accounted for 78.79 percent, followed by the head of the work group accounted for 18.18 percent, the least other accounted for 1.52 percent, with the type of work performed is academic work, accounting for 43.94 percent, having a period of working 1-10 years 50.76 percent. 2) The ten competencies are in the control and management of constructive situations, education and relationship building, the prudence and correctness of the work, professional troubleshooting, accumulation of knowledge and expertise in the field of work adherence to rules, planning and management, analysis and integration, the creation of participation in all sectors, as for the supervision and regular work, it was found that most of the personnel within the Sila Municipality had the opinion that their performance in all aspects was very good and good. 3) The guideline for improving the efficiency in the performance of the personnel of Muang Sila Municipality was training / seminar.


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How to Cite

Tatami, S. . (2021). Guidelines for the Development of Competency to enhance Performance of Personnel in the Municipality of Sila, Khon Kaen Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Mahamakut Buddhist University Isan Campus, 2(2), 1–8. Retrieved from