Development of Internal Supervision Model Using Professional Learning Community for Enhancing Learning Management Potential of Teachers at Thetsaban 3 School (Wat Ban Oi)


  • Sukanya Limcharoen


Development of internal supervision; Professional learning community (PLC); Learning management potential of teachers


 The purposes of this research were 1) to study the needs for internal supervision using the professional learning community (PLC) for enhancing learning management potential of teachers at Thetsaban 3 School (Wat Ban Oi), 2) to develop internal supervision model using the professional learning community (PLC) for enhancing learning management potential of teachers at Thetsaban 3 School (Wat Ban Oi), 3) to conduct try-out of the developed PLC-based internal supervision model for enhancing learning management potential of teachers at Thetsaban 3 School (Wat Ban Oi), and 4) to evaluate the developed PLC-based internal supervision model for enhancing learning management potential of teachers at Thetsaban 3 School (Wat Ban Oi). The sample of this study consisted of 1) a school administrator and 2) 17 teachers. The sample was selected based on a purposive sampling.  The variables used in the research included 1) an independent variable, i.e., the developed PLC-based internal supervision model for enhancing learning management potential of teachers at Thetsaban 3 School (Wat Ban Oi), and 2) a dependent variable, i.e., learning management potential of teachers  using the developed PLC-based internal supervision model  at Thetsaban 3 School (Wat Ban Oi). The research duration was a period in the second semester in the academic year 2019. Data were analyzed using statistics, including percentage, mean and standard deviation. The results of this research could be summarized as follows:

  1. From the study of the needs for internal supervision using the professional learning community (PLC) for enhancing learning management potential of teachers at Thetsaban 3 School (Wat Ban Oi),  there were seven primary needs and 21 secondary needs.
  2. The developed internal supervision model using the professional learning community (PLC) for enhancing learning management potential of teachers at Thetsaban 3 School (Wat Ban Oi) consisted of seven primary aspects and 23 secondary aspects.  
  3. From the try-out of the developed PLC-based internal supervision model for enhancing learning management potential of teachers at Thetsaban 3 School (Wat Ban Oi), it was found that the researcher in cooperation with the school could implement and follow the process in the internal supervision model manual by using the professional learning community for enhancing the learning management potential of teachers at Thetsaban 3 School (Wat Ban Oi). This implied that teachers had self-evaluation about the curriculum, conducted measurement and evaluation, organized workshops for all school administrators and teachers in the school.
  4. Learning management potential of teachers was at the highest level (= 4.67) and standard deviation (S.D. = 0.42) indicating that they had the highest level of learning management ability.
  5. The results of evaluating the developed internal supervision model using the professional learning community (PLC) for enhancing learning management potential of teachers at Thetsaban 3 School (Wat Ban Oi) indicated that in the perspectives of school administrator and teachers, the developed model’s suitability, feasibility, and accuracy were at the high level.


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How to Cite

Limcharoen, S. . (2020). Development of Internal Supervision Model Using Professional Learning Community for Enhancing Learning Management Potential of Teachers at Thetsaban 3 School (Wat Ban Oi). Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Mahamakut Buddhist University Isan Campus, 1(3), 23–37. retrieved from