Servant leadership: Meaning, Relationship and Application in the Organization


  • Kanokporn Intawong


Servant leadership, Application, Organization


Leadership is linked with organizational management. The leaders play a role in creating a vision for all individuals within the organization to have a direction to work together. The service leadership was leaders served individuals and society to be the creator of an organization with an ethical culture, the relationship between leaders and followers changes according to the working environment and the relationship of leaders and followers, which transforms management style from work control to authorization, to the follower from competition to cooperation. Two guidelines for organizational implementation: 1) using as a philosophy and model as a practice in the organization 2) creating learning and training courses for leaders in the organization.


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How to Cite

Intawong, K. . (2021). Servant leadership: Meaning, Relationship and Application in the Organization. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Mahamakut Buddhist University Isan Campus, 2(1), 31–38. retrieved from