The Characteristics of Leaders with Management Formal Organization


  • Supparkhorn Thuetham


Characteristics; Leaders; Management; Formal Organization


The objective of this academic article was to describe characteristics of leaders with management formal organization. The results of the study showed that leaders were important to management, organizational strategy, implementation of the strategic plan and organizational management by leaders should have ten attributes that compose of endeavor, perseverance, perseverance, motivation and determination, enthusiasm and skill, take responsibility and take risks, have self-confidence, be honest, good human relations and good health, intelligence, ideals and creativity, a good personality. Therefore, leaders should change to bring about change in the organization and develop the organization to be successful.


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How to Cite

Thuetham, S. . (2021). The Characteristics of Leaders with Management Formal Organization . Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Mahamakut Buddhist University Isan Campus, 2(1), 59–68. Retrieved from