
  • Daoruedee Srisaket


Participation, Administration, Sub district Administration Organization


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the participation of the people in the administration of Na Ngam sub-district administrative organization in Mancha Khiri district, Khon Kaen province 2) to study the suggestions of the people in the management of Na Ngam sub-district Administrative organization in Mancha Khiri district, Khon Kaen province. The tools used for data collection were questionnaires from 381 of people in Na Ngam sub district. The collected data were analysis by packaged computer program. Statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation. The research found that

  1. The study considered the gender of the respondents and it showed that out of 381 respondents were male (52.23%), 47.77% were female. The respondents participated in the study and majority of the participants were of the age group above 41 years (62.99%), 18.11% were between 31-40 years, 13.91 were between 21-30 and 4.99% were less than 20 years. This study showed that most of the respondents completed primary education program (57.22%), lower secondary education was at 17.06%, 16.01% for upper secondary and vocational education, the level of bachelor degree was at 7.61%, and higher than bachelor degree was at 2.10%. the main occupation of respondents was employment and agriculture (75.85%), 11.29% for commerce and private business, 8.66 percent were school students and undergraduates, and 4.20 percent were government officers and state enterprises
  1. The overall assessment of participation of the people in the administration of Na Ngam sub-district administrative organization in Mancha Khiri district, Khon Kaen province was at a very high level ( ̅= 3.53), Participation in planning and performing was at a very high level ( ̅= 3.53), Participation in an administrative decision making was at very high ( ̅=3.48), and participation in following up and assessing was at very high ( ̅= 3.31)
  1. Suggestions of the people in the administration of NaNgamsub-district administrative organization in Mancha Khiri district, Khon Kaen province. 1) Participation is planning and performing should open an opportunity to the public to participate in planning or acknowledging of the performance of administrative organization, over 54.17 percent of people don’t understand the framework of the organization. The explanation of all parts of structures is required in the meeting. The organization should provide the details of its structures and various activities conducted by the organization to the public. The increase of participation in planning and 12.50 percent want the officers conduct a survey and meet people in the area, and 4.17 percent require majority vote. 2) In the aspect of participation in an administrative decision making, the organization should allow people participate in the projects or all kinds of various activities (80.00%). People cannot access the information and details of the projects conducted by the organization (13.33%). People claimed that the organization should allow people to know the details and join the meeting to make a decision together on the projects or activities (6.67%). 3) In the aspect of participation in monitoring and evaluating activities, 42.86 percent of people claimed that the organization should allow people to follow-up and evaluate the projects and activities performed by the organization. 28.57 percent have not come close to follow-up of all kinds of activities due to the uncertainty of data such as budget, financial allocation, thus, this should be fixed. People can merely participate in the accomplishment of the projects without knowing details.It is very difficult for people to gain an actual data because people cannot keepa close follow-up and evaluate the performance of projects and activities (21.43%).

Ngam sub-district administrative organization in Mancha Khiri district, Khon Kaen province


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How to Cite

Srisaket, D. . (2020). PEOPLE’S PARTICIPATION IN ADMINISTATION OF NANGAM SUBDISTRICT ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATION MANCHA KHIRI DISTRICT KHON KAEN PROVINCE. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Mahamakut Buddhist University Isan Campus, 1(1), 1–9. Retrieved from