The Development of training quality assurance system within educational institutions of KhonKaen Municipality School


  • Maneerat Yensawat Education Bureau KhonKaen Municipality


Keyword : Training course; Quality assurance system within educational institutions.



            The purposes of this research was to find out the results of training quality assurance system within educational institutions of KhonKaen Municipality school and to study the suitable and possibile of training courses. The 4 methods of conducting research were 1) studied the 10 administrators and teachers ‘s background who have trained. 2) courses drafting such as element designation and courses outline. 3) trail and find out the effectivement of the courses by using with small sampling (Try out) and using with the sampling (Field study) : the 77 quality assurance teachers at school. 4) the suitable assessment and possible training courses. The data analyzing by using the mean, standard deviation and using the statistic to test the values (t-test) by Dependent Sample.

            The results of the study were as follows : 1) The training were consists of 1.1) principle                 1.2) goal 1.3) objective 1.4) content 1.5) process 1.6) training activities 1.7) training materials                    1.8) measurement and evaluation by courses are appropriate and consistent at a high level. The consistency index average is 0.92. 2) The training courses results were found that the trainee had cognitive average scored after training higher than before training with the statistically significant at 0.05 3) The trainee’s satisfaction with the training courses at a high level. 4) The results of suitability and possibility were at the most level.


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How to Cite

Yensawat, M. (2021). The Development of training quality assurance system within educational institutions of KhonKaen Municipality School. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Mahamakut Buddhist University Isan Campus, 2(3), 51–63. retrieved from


