New Roles of Human Resource Management Leader in Digital Economy


  • Annop Ruangkalapawongse Bachelor of Business Administration Program in Human Resource Management, Suan Dusit University
  • Sarawan Ruangkalapawongse Bachelor of Business Administration Program in Human Resource Management, Suan Dusit University


Keywords: Human Resource Management; leader; Digital economy era



The advancement of digital technology makes the world into the economy and digital social system. The leaders must bring digital technology to be a functional support tool. Given the importance of driving the organization by accepting technology to apply for work along with adjusting the new paradigm for all levels to work with technology as well as designing innovation culture and innovative ecosystems that are suitable for the context of the organization, leaders must know how to adjust the leadership. Adjust the organization structure and adjust the technology management system to the operator to access information, leading to changes in the digital age effectively as well as adjusting the working style of human resource management agencies in the new normal era (New normal) after the outbreak of the Covid-19 virus that need to be adjusted according to the changing currents of the world situation Leaders must turn jobs into tasks that focus on reaching people at all levels. Organize the safety and welfare care system Raise the standard of hygiene for people in the organization and pay more attention to the lives of employees restructured work into a hybrid model which is a working style that combines from working in an enterprise and working remotely into one.


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How to Cite

Ruangkalapawongse , A., & Ruangkalapawongse, S. . (2021). New Roles of Human Resource Management Leader in Digital Economy. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Mahamakut Buddhist University Isan Campus, 2(3), 64–77. Retrieved from


