- Developing the service efficiency of the company's employees Chairman of Electricity Co., Ltd.




development of service efficiency of company employees Chairman of Electricity Co., Ltd.


The purpose of this research study is (1) to study the selection of the Company's services. Chairman of Electricity Co., Ltd. (2.) to study and improve the efficiency of employees' service that affects the company's service selection. Chairman of Electricity Co., Ltd. (3.) to study the image that affects the selection of the Company's services. Chairman of Electricity Co., Ltd.The population in this research study was Company consumer groups Chairman of Electricity Co., Ltd., who can not know the exact number of the population The researcher therefore used Yamane's open sample size table (1973) to determine the sample group for the study. By opening the sample size table, it will open a table of error values. The tolerance was 0.05, or represent a 5% error at the 95% confidence level. As a result of opening the Yamane sample size table (1973), a sample size of 400 people was obtained and the sample size was not randomized. will be with a convenient random method The results of the hypothesis testing revealed that service efficiency in terms of parity, reliability, willingness and service image affect the choice of service Accuracy service performance corporate image


Author Biography

์Ntapat Worapongpat, Ntapat Worapongpat



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How to Cite

Worapongpat ์. (2022). - Developing the service efficiency of the company’s employees Chairman of Electricity Co., Ltd.: -. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Mahamakut Buddhist University Isan Campus, 3(1), 40–54. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jhsmbuisc/article/view/255537


